People wanting to profit from Tangier

Tangier was the key to the Mediterranean; Moroccan chieftains wished to be the one seen to expel the infidel from Muslim lands, individuals saw the opportunity to make their fortunes in trade, but the Queen Regent of Portugal had an entirely different motive. These are brief narrative histories of characters involved in English Tangier.



Charles Stuart in Exile

Would Charles Stuart in exile ever become Charles II of England?   more  


At last Ghailan was being recognised as the Bey of Tangier.  more  

King Charles II

Coming Soon - Advisers regaled the newly restored King of England with reasons for gaining control of Tangier. This page will look at Charles experiences in exile and the lead up t...  more  

Louis XIV of France

Coming Soon - The King of France was keen to extend his countries influence as widely as possible. This page will examine Louis XIV's strategy on Tangier.  more  

Luisa de Guzman - Queen Regent Portugal

The Queen Regent of Portugal. How did she turn a liability into an asset?   more  

Philip IV of Spain

Coming Soon - This page will look at why Philip considered tangier to be Spanish.   more